Friday, 31 August 2007

MP, WD...

Hmm... I threw that title up there when I first started writing this post, presumabley to remind me of a particular point of interest. I no longer have any idea of what they stand for. Will get back to you with a full analysis as soon as I remember.

I was sitting in the Grade 1 class after lunch when Zoe had to leave the room for a minute to grab something from April. All the kids started talking and moving round and getting fidgety, so I thought I should probably make myself useful. So...


Cindy kindly invited us over for dinner, and said we could stick around for as long as we wanted afterwards to chill out in front of the tv after the hectic first week. We were hooked after the word 'dinner'.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahahah! Oh shell, what's happened to you? You seem to be losing your mind? Clownflish and lemurs? My my, highly confused